Yoga & Meditation designed to calm, inspire and transform.


  • Yoga

    Hatha Flow, Restorative & Yoga Nidra

  • Breathwork

    Yogic Breathing Techniques

  • Meditation

    Kriya Meditation

Try this mini meditation

In this mini morning practice we use Kapalabhati breath to build fire and a heart space meditation to expand from the strongest electro magnetic field in the body, the heart. Please avoid practicing Kapalabhati if you are pregnant, menstruating or have high blood pressure.

1:1 Personalised Meditation Practice

1:1 Personalised Meditation Practice

Personalised 1:1 Meditations designed to calm, inspire and transform. The 30 min practice will be held online with full attention and care. Many of us simply need a new perspective in life. Everything you desire to experience starts with re-training the mind.

Begin your Meditation practice today.

About Nina

The connection between the body and mind has always sparked my curiosity. When I began to practice Yoga, I quickly found that it was more than a physical practice. It became a practice of alignment. Each movement, breath and silent moment can bring us closer to understanding ourselves by creating awareness. These ancient practices are medicine for the modern body & mind. They allow us to uncover what is hiding, live in present moment awareness and grow so we can move forward in life from a more conscious presence.

Yoga & Meditation Teacher
500hr+ RYT